District Themes



2023 - 2024
Equity begins with me!

2022 - 2023
1% is all it takes...what's your 1%?

2021 - 2022
There’s always a silver lining... find yours...

2020 - 2021
First we UNIFY...then REBUILD...ultimately, we THRIVE!

2019 - 2020
Ignite your passion and brighten the way...

2018 – 2019

Imagine if every child...

2017 – 2018
My approach creates the climate; my mood makes the weather. ~ Make it a sunny day!

2016 – 2017
Attitude Determines Altitude: Fly High!

2015 – 2016
Challenge Your Limits

2014 – 2015
Building Bridges

2013 – 2014
Getting Better Together

2012 – 2013
Success is a Choice

2011 – 2012
Building Tomorrow, Today

2010 – 2011
Together, we make a difference!

2009 – 2010
New Thinking for New Times

2008 – 2009
Touch Each Life; Teach Each Child

2007 – 2008
Schools Only Succeed When Students Achieve

2006 – 2007
Ensuring Student Success:
Using what we know to determine what we do

2005 – 2006
What You Believe Is What You Achieve!

2004 – 2005
Expect the Best…And Get It!