Mission Statement: The South Brunswick School District will address the NJ dyslexia laws by moving from a mandate to a mission. Our mission is to become a “Dyslexia Friendly” district which includes: A set of deliberate and tiered screening processes for all students who show signs of reading struggles; A compendium of strategies and specific interventions for students who need multisensory reading instruction; Identify and share technology interventions for students who need support.
In September 2014, NJ passed three laws related to dyslexia that require two hours of training related to dyslexia for appropriate school personnel; screening for any child who shows indicators of dyslexia or reading disabilities early - by the end of the first semester of second grade, with further comprehensive assessment and interventions to follow; and finally, dyslexia is now identified in the NJ Special Education Code of Law under the classification category of Specific Learning Disability.
Currently, research shows that approximately 20% of all students are dyslexic and that early intervention can greatly increase success for such students. Those who are dyslexic may experience difficulty with learning letters and sounds, decoding words, reading comprehension, written expression, grammar/mechanics, spelling, and rapid word retrieval. Strengths for these students may include: verbal communication, visual arts, computer science, design, drama, electronics, mathematics, mechanics, music, and/or sports.
Dyslexia is a learning disability that impacts all areas of learning. Therefore, teachers, specialists, general education, and interventionists need to be better equipped to meet the needs of these learners. Furthermore, because dyslexia is not a disability that “goes away,” the entire K-12 community needs to be aware of interventions and strategies that make it more likely for the student with dyslexia to achieve his/her greatest potential.
Dyslexia Indicators:
Students with dyslexia usually experience difficulties with other language skills, such as spelling, writing, and pronouncing words. Please note that the indicators can change over time.

Screening Process:
The SBSD has developed a systematic and tiered screening process for students in K-12. The process begins with our literacy assessments for all and gets more specific based on student performance and obstacles. Students in need of an action plan or more support can be recommended for a Student Support Team (SST) meeting. If you are concerned about a student, please consult with your IS teachers to start a conversation about next steps.
The “Dyslexia Friendly” Classroom:
SBSD prides itself on having “Dyslexia Friendly classrooms. This means that students who struggle with reading and writing (with or without the label of dyslexia) have the right to be accommodated in all classrooms as needed. This may include offering extended time on tests, using audio books, using Chromebook extensions such as speech to text, the Dyslexie Font, or graphic organizers, and minimizing note-taking or copying from the board.
SBSD Team Dyslexia:
If you have a concern about a student, there is a District Team who can support you. These folks include: dyslexia representatives in each building, Instructional Support and Title I Teachers, Special Education Teachers, and/or District Reading Intervention Specialists.