Enhance Community Engagement, Outreach, and Involvement
- Continuously identify and remove barriers to communication
- NJSBA Field Representative to present to community during BoE meeting(s)
- Promote “Chain of Command” to provide guidance on obtaining the support needed and to understand the role of the Board
- Improve transparency on follow-up communication between the Board and the administration regarding implementation of policies and individual parent communication
- Email updates from administration
Monitor District Goals and Policies with Quarterly Updates
- Equity/Disproportionality
- Elementary School Configuration
- Cell Phone Policy
- Safety/Security/Threat Consequences
Communicate Transparently, Strategically, and Effectively on the Budget Process
- Support policy towards exploring innovative and alternative ways of revenue generation and continue to monitor and support financial best practices
- Monitor revenue/expenses monthly both in committee and as a full board ensure financial health and student achievement
Increase Board Members' Knowledge and Skills in Policy Making, Ethics, and Governance
- As elected by the community, Board members should strive to take advantage of mandated and non-mandated training offered by the NJSBA, as well as other offerings outside of NJSBA which will enhance and improve their capability to be present and effective leaders in our community.