Board Goals

Mission: our_mission
South Brunswick Board of Education will be an effective and efficient governance body that represents the needs of the students and the concerns of the citizens, taxpayers and parents to school administrators establishes and directs the district goals. By working with the Superintendent the Board sets policies, goals and objectives and holds the Superintendent responsible for implementing and achieving them.
Enhance Community Engagement, Outreach, and Involvement
  • Continuously identify and remove barriers to communication
    • NJSBA Field Representative to present to community during BoE meeting(s)
  • Promote “Chain of Command” to provide guidance on obtaining the support needed and to understand the role of the Board
    • Monthly “Board’s Corner”
  • Improve transparency on follow-up communication between the Board and the administration regarding implementation of policies and individual parent communication
    • Email updates from administration
Monitor District Goals and Policies with Quarterly Updates
  • Equity/Disproportionality
  • Elementary School Configuration
  • Cell Phone Policy
  • Safety/Security/Threat Consequences
Communicate Transparently, Strategically, and Effectively on the Budget Process
  • Support policy towards exploring innovative and alternative ways of revenue generation and continue to monitor and support financial best practices
  • Monitor revenue/expenses monthly both in committee and as a full board ensure financial health and student achievement
Increase Board Members' Knowledge and Skills in Policy Making, Ethics, and Governance
  • As elected by the community, Board members should strive to take advantage of mandated and non-mandated training offered by the NJSBA, as well as other offerings outside of NJSBA which will enhance and improve their capability to be present and effective leaders in our community.