South Brunswick School District desires to respond to stakeholders
concerns and/or questions as quickly and effectively as possible. In South
Brunswick, the chain of command refers to communication levels of
authority in the school district. The value of having an established Chain
of Command is an efficient tool that provides a roadmap when reporting
concerns or communicating with school staff members. Refer to the chain
that best describes your need:
My Child’s Educational Needs
1. Teacher
2. Guidance Counselor
3. Content Supervisor (If Applicable)
4. Building Principal
5. Assistant Superintendent
of Curriculum
6. Superintendent
7. Board of Education
Special Education
1. Teacher
2. Case Manager
3. Special Education Supervisor
4. Director of Student Services
5. Superintendent
6. Board of Education
1. Building Principal
2. Director of Buildings
and Grounds
3. Business Administrator
4. Superintendent
5. Board of Education
1. Coach
2. Athletic Director
3. Building Principal
4. Superintendent
5. Board of Education
1. Teacher
2. Assistant Principal
3. Building Principal
4. Superintendent
5. Board of Education
1. Transportation Supervisor
2. Business Administrator
3. Superintendent
4. Board of Education